EMKO is a place where simply smart design meets its seekersand creators. The furniture design and home accessorycompany was established in 2013 and is based in Vilnius, Lithuania. Itsroots are set in the ancient Baltic tradition of craftsmanship, at the intersection of three distinct cultural spaces: the northern Scandinavian, the Western and the Eastern European. EMKO welcomestalented designers from right acrossthe globe.We design and manufacture for an active, modern and responsible market. Our customerbase ranges from dynamic professionals interested in bringing fresh ideas into their lives, making choices outside the box, to creative artists who wanttheir workspacesto be a reflection of the passion they put intotheir own creations.The main focus is on a small rangeof award-winning furniture pieces, creating a niche for curious solutions to be embodied. Their simple beauty generates optimism and well-being inside the place we usually call home or work. The team believes that design brings comfort to everyday tasks. The quality of the craft and the materials ensures a long-term relationship, a constant satisfaction that people will enjoy for years to come.